Long Distance Trails


Southeastern New England offers several trails of 20 miles or more, and Trails and Walks In Rhode Island plans on publishing these trails in the near future.

The North South Trail, at 78 miles, travels the length of Rhode Island from Burrillville to Charlestown.

The Narragansett Trail starts near the Foxwoods Casino and traverses nearly 25 miles into Rhode Island.

Although a bike path, the Washington Secondary Bike Path covers 24 miles from Cranston to the Connecticut border.

The Providence County Trail runs the length of the county from the Tri-State Marker to Diamond Hill.

The Warner Trail runs 33 miles from Sharon, Massachusetts to Diamond Hill in Cumberland.

The Southern New England Trunkline Trail is over 20 miles long from Franklin to Douglas.

And the Pachaug State Forest offers the Pachaug Trail and the Nehantic Trail.

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