Archive for the ‘ ~BELLINGHAM MA~ ’ Category

High Street Woods – Bellingham


Behind the High Street Fields is a small network of trails. A friend had mentioned this property to me a few weeks ago after he stumbled upon the book “Easy Walks In Massachusetts“. He checked out the property last week and was with me this morning for a couple hikes in the area. We started by following the main trail into the woods. The path was covered from last nights snow and the tall pines were coated with a thin layer of ice. Truly a picturesque New England scene. After passing some trail spurs, the trail soon approaches a very old and dilapidated bridge that crosses the Charles River. There is no need to cross this bridge as it leads off the property to the railroad tracks on the other side of the river. From here we retraced our steps and explored the spur trail. It first led over a brook then pass a small pond. The trail eventually leads back to High Street. From here we retraced our steps back to the parking area.


I did not find a trail map on-line.

Along The Charles River

Along The Charles River