Archive for the ‘ Watch Hill Light ’ Category

Watch Hill Light – Westerly


Lighthouse Road off of Larkin Road is a private road but open to walkers. This is a good supplement walk to Napatree Point if you choose to get a better view of the Watch Hill lighthouse. Parking will be difficult in the summer months. I actually parked near the Napatree Point entrance. The walk in itself is short, first winding through a small ocean side residential neighborhood before coming to an area surrounded by the sea. I came across several people surfing here. Further ahead is the lighthouse. In my past experiences if the gate is open it seems generally okay to wander around the grounds. However, if the gate is closed, please do respect the signage. After taking a few photos I retraced my steps back to Larkin Road. Remember that this is actually a private road open to the walking public. Do respect the privacy of the residents and stay only on the road.

I did not find a trail map on-line.

Surf at Watch Hill

Surf at Watch Hill