Archive for the ‘ Rehoboth State Forest ’ Category

Rehoboth State Forest – Rehoboth


This hike made for a few milestones. Firstly, without realizing it I hiked in four states in three days. On Saturday I drove to Franconia Notch in New Hampshire, on Sunday I did a series of hikes in Rhode Island and Connecticut, and this evening I hiked here in Massachusetts. Secondarily, this hike put me over the 300 mile mark since I started this blog. I was joined by a co-worker (who is one of the organizers of The Rhode Island Hiking Club). We started this hike following the main path pass the gate into the forest. We passed several narrow paths to the left and one trail to the right (we would return from that trail) following the main trail to its end. There we saw the first of the blue blazes to the right. The trail to the left ended abruptly at a “No Trespassing” sign. We went right following the blue blazes through the woods and some areas of mud. The trail eventually looped back to the main trail. We then did some exploring of the side trails we saw on the way in. There was evidence of a “Tough Mudder” event here. We also came across some lady slippers that were in bloom. It is illegal to remove these flowers. After we explored just about all of the trails we concluded the hike.


Trail map can be found at: Rehoboth State Forest.

Stone Wall At Rehoboth State Forest

Stone Wall At Rehoboth State Forest