Chorney – North Attleborough

The Chorney Property is a series of three large fields connected by small trails. There is an information kiosk at the parking area with a map. On the map there is a suggested route to follow which totals about a mile and a half. The route follows the perimeter of each field. The first and second fields are connected by a boardwalk that crosses the Seven Mile River. At the north end of the second field is a large red horse stable. You are likely to see a horse or two here but be sure to stay on the Chorney Property as the stables are private property. The second and third field are connected by a grass cart path that passes a stone wall. In the third field the summer months may offer several rolls of hay and the shrubs along the perimeter have an abundance of berries. This area is a haven for birds. Dragonflies, grasshoppers, and butterflies are commonly seen along this walk. Hunting is allowed here. There is information about hunting season at the kiosk.

I did not find a trail map for the walk.

Rolled Hay In A Field

Rolled Hay In A Field

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